A confession: consistent prayer is a struggle for me...

A confession: consistent prayer is a struggle for me...

Studying scripture, wrestling theological questions, walking with hurting people: Not so much. Stilling my heart, sitting quietly and listening to Jesus in an unhurried way: C+

I wouldn’t admit this to myself for a long time (much less anyone else). I mean, what kind of minister wrestles with prayer? It’s like a personal trainer that skips cardio. It cuts to the heart of their credibility. That’s exactly why I’m writing about it.

Coronavirus Crisis – My Sunday Message About Why Being Out of Control is a Gift

Coronavirus Crisis – My Sunday Message About Why Being Out of Control is a Gift

Originally published on April 5th at https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/coronavirus-crisis-sunday-message-billy-cerveny

Our family went to the beach in South Florida last month. The first morning there I took my 5-year-old daughter into the ocean and pulled her past the breakers on a cheap plastic raft. Once we were in the calmer water she grinned and pushed away from me, testing the boundaries of her control. It was a game that brought her a tremendous amount of joy; that is, until a fish flipped or a large boat sent a wake big enough to wash her illusions of control out to sea. She would then scramble like a cat in a bathtub to jump onto my arms as we both belly laughed.

'Why did God make tornadoes?' – What happened when my daughter asked that question

'Why did God make tornadoes?' – What happened when my daughter asked that question

Originally published on March 11th at https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/god-tornadoes-daughter-question-billy-cerveny

Parts of Nashville were devastated by a tornado last week. The destruction was terrible. People lost their homes, cars and in some cases lives.

I heard stories of people pulling their children from their beds as bedroom windows exploded inward and roofs were being torn off. One husband and wife in Putnam County survived by hiding in a bathtub as their house was torn off its foundation and thrown 50 yards like a toy.

I spent the last few days helping people cut downed trees in yards and separate pieces of house from treated lumber. The sheer number of volunteers who showed up to help (very few of whom lived in the affected area) was mind-boggling.

Heterodoxy, Handguns and Hope. In Memory of Peter Collier.

Heterodoxy, Handguns and Hope. In Memory of Peter Collier.

I recently received a call that my old friend and mentor, Peter Collier, had died. David Horowitz, Peter’s long-time co-conspirator and best friend had reached out to me a few weeks earlier to tell me that Peter was extremely sick. He had been diagnosed with an aggressive form of leukemia last summer and the prescribed regime of chemotherapy had poisoned his internal organs. Peter was a man of faith and David, knowing of our relationship and that I was now a pastor, asked if I would travel to Northern California to be with him. Sadly, Peter’s body gave out before I could get there. He died on All Saints Day.

If you don’t know who Peter Collier is, his work and life have touched your own, I assure you…