God is the creator God and we are made us in His image. That means He created us to create; to partner with Him as He redeems this fallen world. As lofty as that sounds, it simply means that we are to move in the contexts in which He has placed us. Where there is death we are to bring life. Where there is despair we are to bring hope. And where there is indifference we are to bring love. There are few places where we have an opportunity live out this call more fully than where we work.
Redbird has a chaplaincy ministry to culturally impactful organizations. By “culturally impactful” we mean entities and individuals to whom God has given a platform to speak and move into the larger world around them. We exist to be a spiritual voice, presence and guide within these communities. We do this by stepping into their worlds, building relationships, offering counsel, prayer and proclaiming God’s Word. Redbird has seen that ministering within these contexts not only impacts their specific culture, it impacts the lives and cultures into which they move.
Currently, Redbird partners with Soccer Chaplains United and Billy Cerveny serves as the chaplain for Nashville’s professional soccer team, Nashville SC. If you would like to learn more about our chaplaincy work please let us know by clicking here.